Епізод 22: #NNPxNNC
Про NoNameCon: пісдсумки, висновки й плани на майбутнє. Програма: https://nonamecon.sched.com Відео доповідей: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6nwb5Mnrdr9djH3S2h9AbQ
Long discussions and heated debates on cybersecurity and more
The classic No Name Podcast series are occasional meetings of cybersecurity experts who discuss current industry issues and share their thoughts, knowledge and ideas with each other. Sometimes we meet to talk over very important topics on cybersecurity, sometimes we share our impressions of conferences and other events we were lucky to attend, and sometimes we just discuss cybersecurity or non-professional subjects.
Про NoNameCon: пісдсумки, висновки й плани на майбутнє. Програма: https://nonamecon.sched.com Відео доповідей: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6nwb5Mnrdr9djH3S2h9AbQ
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Recommended Books Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography Ross Anderson - Security Engineering Chris Hadnagy - Social Engineering https://www.crypto101.io Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, and Tadayoshi Kohno - Cryptography Engineering David Kennedy, Jim ...
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Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections Rian van Rijbroek: ’Kamerlid spion van Rusland’ http://attrition.org/errata/charlatan/gregory_evans/ Ситуаційний центр протидії кіберзагрозам СБУ (СЦПК) https://concourseq....